Полётный контроллер Matek F405-WING v2.

Технические характеристики FC:
MCU: STM32F405RGT6, 168 МГц, 1 МБ Flash
IMU: ICM42688-P
Baro: DPS310
OSD: AT7456E
Черный ящик: Слот для карт памяти MicroSD
6x UART, 1x Softserial_Tx опция (INAV)
10x PWM выходов
2x I2C
3x ADC (VBAT, ток, RSSI)
Встроенный инвертор для входа SBUS
USB Type-C(USB2.0)

FC Firmware
- ArduPilot: MatekF405-Wing (ArduPlane 4.4 or newer)
- INAV: MATEKF405SE (INAV 6.0 or newer)
- Диапазон входного напряжения: 9~30 В (3~6S LiPo) с защитой от перегрева
- Датчик тока: 220 А, АЦП 3,3 В (шкала INAV 150, ArduPilot 66,7 А/В)
- Чувствительный резистор: 100A непрерывный, 220A пиковый
- Делитель напряжения батареи 1K:10K (шкала 1100 в INAV, BATT_VOLT_MULT 11.0 в ArduPilot)
BEC 5V output
- Designed for Flight controller, Receiver, OSD, Camera, Buzzer, 2812 LED_Strip, Buzzer, GPS module, AirSpeed
- Continuous current: 2 Amps
BEC 9V /12V output
- Designed for Video Transmitter, Camera, Gimbal ect.
- Continuous current: 2 Amps
- 12V option with Jumper pad
- for stable 9V/12V output, input voltage should > output voltage +1V
BEC Vx output
- Designed for Servos
- Voltage adjustable, 5V Default, 6V or 7.2V options
- Continuous current: 5 Amps, 6A Peak
- for stable Vx output, input voltage should > Vx voltage +1V
BEC 3.3V output
- Designed for external 3.3V peripherals
- Linear Regulator
- Continuous current: 200mA
- Mounting: 30.5 x 30.5mm, Φ4mm with Grommets Φ3mm
- Dimensions: 54 x 36 x 13 mm
- Weight: 25g
- Полётный контроллер Matek F405-WING v2 - 1 шт.
- 20cm JST-GH-4P to JST-GH-4P cable for I2C port - 1 шт.
- Dupont 2.54 pins (Плата поставляется в распаянном виде)
Сравнительная таблица полётных контроллеров Matek
INAV Tips:
- INAV firmware “MATEKF405SE” must be 6.0.0 or newer version.
- Current sensor scale 150
- 5x Vx2 pads on S5~S9 rails are dead pins, If powering servos of S5~S9 rails with the built-in Vx BEC, bridge Vx2 to Vx pad with a drop of tin. If powering servos of S5~S9 rails with an external BEC, keep the gap open, you may connect external BEC to any pair of Vx2/G.
- Softserial_tx1 is enabled on Tx2 pad by default for Frsky SmartPort telemetry. If using CRSF protocol receiver(TBS, ELRS etc), CPU based serial port(softserial) should be disable in INAV configurator.
- GPS / DJI OSD and other digital video systems / CRSF protocol receiver can work with anyyyyyyy spare UART_TX & RX.
- Airspeed sensor MS4525 works on I2C2 bus only.

ArduPilot Tips:
- ArduPlane firmware “MatekF405-WING” must be 4.4.0 or newer version.
- Use 5V active buzzer on “Buz-” and 5V pads, Tone alarm is not supported.
- 5x Vx2 pads on S5~S9 rails are dead pins, If powering servos of S5~S9 rails with the built-in Vx BEC, bridge Vx2 to Vx pad with a drop of tin. If powering servos of S5~S9 rails with an external BEC, keep the gap open, you may connect external BEC to any pair of Vx2/G.
- non-inverted (hacked) S.Port signal is required for FPort or Smartport telemetry.
- If sending highspeed serial data (eg. 921600 baud) to the board, use USART1(Serial1) .