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Полётный контроллер Matek F405-VTOL

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Полётный контроллер Matek F405-VTOL (STM32F405RGT6, ICM42688P, SPL06, OSD, VTOL PDB, 6xUARTs, 12x PWM,1xI2C) 




F405-VTOL Quick Start Guide  PDF

FC Specifications

  • MCU: STM32F405RGT6, 168MHz , 1MB Flash
  • IMU: ICM42688-P
  • Baro: SPL06-001
  • OSD: AT7456E
  • Blackbox: MicroSD card slot
  • 6x UARTs,  1x Softserial_Tx option(INAV)
  • 12x PWM outputs
  • 1x I2C
  • 4x ADC (VBAT, Current, RSSI, Airspeed)
  • 1x spare PINIO
  • USB/Beep Extender with Type-C(USB2.0)
  • Built in inverter on UART2-RX for SBUS input
  • Switchable Dual Camera Input

FC Firmware

  • ArduPilot: MatekF405-TE
  • INAV: MATEKF405TE_SD (INAV 5.0 or newer)


  • Input voltage range: 6.8~30V (2~6S LiPo)
  • Sense resistor: 100A continuous, 220A peak
  • 5x ESC power pads, total 100A continuous
  • Support continuous load of up to 100A on ESC pad near the current sensor resistor
  • Support continuous load of up to 30A & peak of 50A on each ESC pad of Quadcopter
  • Battery Voltage divider 1K:20K (Scale 2100 in INAV,  BATT_VOLT_MULT 21.0 in ArduPilot)
  • Current Senor: 220A,  3.3V ADC  (Scale 150 in INAV,  66.7 A/V in ArduPilot)

BEC 5V output

  • Designed for Flight controller, Receiver, OSD, Camera, Buzzer, 2812 LED_Strip, Buzzer, GPS module, AirSpeed
  • Continuous current: 2 Amps

BEC 9V /12V output

  • Designed for Video Transmitter, Camera, Gimbal ect.
  • Continuous current: 2 Amps
  • 12V option with Jumper pad
  • for stable 9V/12V output, input voltage should > output voltage +1V

BEC Vx output

  • Designed for Servos
  • Voltage adjustable, 5V Default, 6V or 7.2V via jumper
  • Continuous current: 8 Amps,  10A Peak
  • for stable Vx output, input voltage should > Vx voltage +1V

BEC 3.3V output

  • Designed for Baro / Compass module and external 3.3V peripherals
  • Linear Regulator
  • Continuous current: 200mA


  • Mounting: 25 x 25mm-Φ2mm, 35 x 35mm- Φ4mm
  • Dimensions: 45 x 42 x 15mm
  • Weight: 25g  w/ USB/buzzer adapter


Сравнительная таблица полётных контроллеров Matek



  • Полётный контроллер Matek F405-VTOL - 1 шт. 
  • USB(Type-C)/Beep (Passive buzzer) Extender + 20cm JST-SH-6P to JST-SH-6P cable for USB extender - 1 шт. 
  • 20cm JST-GH-4P to JST-GH-4P cable for I2C port - 1 шт. 
  • Rubycon ZLH 35V 470uF capacitor - 1 шт. 
  • Dupont 2.54 pins  (Плата поставляется в распаянном виде)














  • PINIO1 /PIO1 pad, Low Level by default,  Low/High level switchable by Mode-USER1
  • PINIO2 is for camera input switch by Modes-USER2


  • F405-VTOL has INAV fw preloaded for QC
  • Download INAV (Target MATEKF405TE_SD) fw 5.x or newer directly from INAV configurator 5.x or newer.



  • set LOG_BACKEND_TYPE = 1 (File) for SD card logging
  • If sending highspeed serial data (eg. 921600 baud) to the board, use USART1(Serial1) or USART2(Serial6).

Frsky Smartport Telemetry

  • non-inverted (hacked) S.Port signal
  • any spare Uart_TX
  • SERIALx_BAUD   57
  • SERIALx_PROTOCOL  4  or 10(for yaapu)

DJI FPV OSD (ArduPilot 4.1)


  • OSD_TYPE = 3
  • MSP_OPTIONS = 0 (polling mode)


  • PINIO1,  PIO1 pad, Low Level by default
  • PINIO2,  Camera switch, C1 ON by default


  • PA4  PINIO1  OUTPUT  GPIO(81)  LOW  //PIO1 pad
  • PB5  PINIO2  OUTPUT  GPIO(82)  LOW  //camera switch

# RCx_OPTION: RC input option

  • 28   Relay On/Off
  • 34   Relay2 On/Off
  • 35   Relay3 On/Off
  • 36   Relay4 On/Off


  • RELAY_PIN       81    //PIO1 GPIO
  • RC7_OPTION   28    //Relay On/Off, Use CH7 of Transmitter to control PIO1 Low/High Level
  • RELAY_PIN2     82    //Camera switch GPIO
  • RC8_OPTION   34    //Relay2 On/Off, Use CH8 of Transmitter to control high/low level on PB5 pad

The configured feature will be triggered when the auxiliary switch’s pwm value becomes higher than 1800. It will be deactivated when the value falls below 1200.

Check the pwm value sent from the transmitter when the switch is high and low using the Mission Planner’s Initial Setup >> Mandatory Hardware >> Radio Calibration screen. If it does not climb higher than 1800 or lower than 1200, it is best to adjust the servo end points in the transmitter.



  • F405-VTOL has INAV fw preloaded for QC
  • Target MATEKF405TE_SD is not listed in INAV configurator 4.x.x,  It is supported by INAV5.0 or newer
  • ArduPilot fw, “Internal errors 0x4000 l:213 spi_fail” warining,  pls set LOG_BACKEND_TYPE = 1 (File) for SD card logging.


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