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GNSS система Holybro H-RTK Unicore UM982 (Dual Antenna)

Артикул: 33176
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53460 руб
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The Holybro UM982 Dual Antenna RTK GPS provides high-precision positioning information and is capable of generating non-magnetometer moving baseline yaw determinations for autopilots with one single GPS module. 

One of the best applications of this GPS is to provide compass-less YAW information to the autopilot (commonly called GPS Heading or Moving Baseline Yaw). Using this GPS as a yaw source prevents magnetic interference from the vehicle motors and electrical systems and any environmental interference sources, such as metallic structures or equipment, that can cause incorrect yaw reports to the autopilot.

This works even if the GPSs are not receiving RTCM data from a fixed RTK station or NTRIP server. The device is based on the Unicore UM982 NMEA GNSS module and supports RTK positioning adjustment for centimeter-level accuracy, GPS/GLONASS,Beidou, Galileo, and QZSS global positioning systems.

It also includes a magnetometer, LED, and safety switch button. It also serves as an RTK-corrected vehicle GPS, with or without moving baseline yaw determination, and as a base station GPS for sending RTCM data to a ground control station to provide an RTK source for the vehicle via telemetry.


  • Dual antennas allow Moving Baseline Yaw (GPS Heading) with just one module   
  • Can replace the traditional compass/magnetometer
  • Perfect for system/environment with high magnetic interference
  • Excellent RTK performance


Советы: В качестве базовой станции рекомендуется использовать H-RTK F9P-Base  или F9P Helical так как они имеют простую процедуру настройки в Mission Planner и QGroundControl. Ни MP, ни QGC не могут автоматически настроить UM982 в качестве базовой станции, поэтому требуется дополнительная ручная настройка.

Firmware supports details

Другие технические подробности и руководство по настройке см. на странице документации Holybro


    В комплекте:

    • H-RTK UM982 - 1 шт   
    • Высокоточная спиральная антенна - 2 шт
    • Крепления для антенн - 2 шт   
    • Кабели SMA - 2 шт    
    • Кабели 10pin - 10pin JST-GH - 2 шт   
    • 10pin - 6pin JST-GH кабель - 1 шт   
    • 6pin - 6pin JST-GH кабель - 1 шт 

    Производитель: Holybro
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