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T-Motor MN4014 KV330

Артикул: 3452
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Двигатель бесколлекторный T-motor MN4014 KV330

Tiger Motors - признаный лидер в производстве моторов для мультикоптеров

T-Motor MN4014 KV330

T-Motor MN4014 KV330

Вес: 149 г
Диаметр вала: 4 мм
Диаметр мотора: 44.8 мм
Диаметр статора: 40 мм
Длина мотора: 34.5 мм
Длина статора: 14 мм
KV: 330
Максимальная тяга: 2.7 кг
Пиковая мощность: 750 Вт
Пиковый ток: 25 А
Производитель: T-Motor
Пропеллер: 14" , 15" , 17"
Рекомендованная батарея: 4-8S
Сопротивление: 85 мОм
Ток холостого хода: 1.1 А
  • 03.11.2017 22:57
    "i bought 6 of this motors to build a hexacopter, and 2 of them work really bad, the have problems with the sincronization of the esc and they get really hot in seconds. now a cant return them!!!!
    I must make an important clarification . I'm an engineer and I must follow technical rigor ,
    after many tests, I was able to find the heating problem .
    the problem is in the length of the mounting screws ,
    They are extremely long ! And to enter into the cage motor frequency induces the extreme heat of the screw.
    This heat generates a strong warming in the body of the motor base ..
    then, should be used short screws for mounting , not falling within the electric field of the motor. - !
    now overcome this I must say that the engine runs excellent , its poetncia is magnificent , no vibrations , very good engine , very good quality of materials,
    I apologize , but the problem was serious, and unfortunately it has cost me two motors burn . -
    I apologize for my first opinion and experience.
    the product is very good and I recommend it but please do call great attention regarding the mounting screws . I hope this review is useful to customers. NO USE BOLTS TO COME IN THE BOX IF YOU that are long . -
  • 02.11.2017 18:38
    Идеальный мотор. На моей гексе работали отлично. Они будут работать идеально на любой компоновке, Если у вас есть руки и вы знаете, как их правильно установить
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