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T-Motor Antigravity 4004 KV400 (2шт)

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Двигатель бесколлекторный T-Motor Antigravity 4004 KV400 (2шт) - новая, облегченная модель из линейки Antigravity

Tiger Motors - признаный лидер в производстве моторов для мультикоптеров. 

Чертёж мотора: 


Характеристики мотора: 


Рекомендуемые пропеллеры T-Motor: 

  • 13*4.4" CF
  • 14*4.8" CF 

Таблица испытаний мотора: 


В комплекте:

  • Электромотор T-Motor Antigravity 4004 KV400 - 2шт
  • Крепеж


Вес: 53 г
Диаметр вала: 4 мм
Диаметр мотора: 44.35 мм
Длина мотора: 19 мм
KV: 400
Максимальная тяга: 1.5 кг
Пиковая мощность: 300 Вт
Пиковый ток: 12 А
Производитель: T-Motor
Пропеллер: 13" , 14"
Рекомендованная батарея: 4-6S
Сопротивление: 359 мОм
Ток холостого хода: 0.2 А
  • 07.11.2017 19:19
    This is the 2nd set i bought. Im so impressed with the quality and efficiency.... I have. 4 of them on my tarot. Drone with 14 inch props lov it. Easy install
  • 02.11.2017 20:52
    "Let me first start by saying I am a HUGE fan of T-Motor products - Usually. Compared to other T-Motor products this feels like a toy. They are VERY small (which I suppose is the point) - smaller than I expected though. I have gimbal motors with more meat on them.

    The leads are simply the excess of motor windings and not actual stranded cable; I can see this being a point of failure and this does not make connection to an ESC easy - especially if you use connectors like we do since our ESC units require them. This was a terrible idea on the part of T-Motor. Hard, solid and VERY thin copper leads. A few bends and they will snap. I was concerned about even routing them since they are already bent from being packaged.

    The bearings are also small and unfortunately after my purchase I see they are prone to premature failure. I do not believe the motors will hold up on our 695MM Hexa. They have enough power - just not enough rigidity.

    I am not at all pleased with this product nor with the current level of support from T-Motor. We are working on a government project and emailed them several times for recommendations and they never replied. We simply had to look at pictures and raw specifications and purchased from Amazon due to the lower price and fast delivery. The sad part is that we need hundreds of motors and we are considering other manufacturers due to their lack of customer service and the build quality of the units we have.

    Needing to demo the unit we are working on due to our client coming from out of town I installed the motors (against my better judgement) I would be returning them if not for this.

    I can appreciate they are light, run well and they look good but the overall design is poor - especially with the motor leads. I could probably have lived with everything else but the thin solid copper leads just scream lazy on the part of the manufacturer. It is as if they couldn't be bothered to engineer a tab internally to transition from the windings to the leads.

    Maybe I would have found better value in the Antigravity 4008 - who knows now as I will not be inclined to purchase this series again.

    My recommendation is that unless you really need something a few grams lighter simply buy something from their other series of motors. I really wish I had bough some of the Navigator or Professional series. over $300.00 wasted on 3 sets that I will be replacing as soon as my demo is complete - lesson learned.
  • 29.10.2017 13:14
    Плотно встают на раму размером 200. Вал имеет стандартный диаметр 4.0 мм и может быть заменен на универсальный. Также 11,1 вольт достаточно для питания двигателя до 250 грамм подъема при 50% газа
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